
Hey, thanks for visiting my website! I'm pretty laid back as far as my massage practice goes.  I'm not booked months in advance because I don't want to be.  I have lots of flexibility with my schedule, and can nearly accommodate whatever appointment time would work for you if you give me as much notice as possible.  I work for myself because I don't like to be stressed out by someone else's schedule, so that's why I tend to have more flexibility than others.  Some days I'm really busy and sometimes I'm not.  It's just one of those "check with me and see" things. 

I have one thing I tell everyone..."I wanna see you as much as you wanna see me."  Sometimes people want me to tell them when to come back and this is what I say to them.  If you're paying for the time, you should enjoy it and feel like it was beneficial.  If I'm working with you, I want to enjoy that time as well.

You know your body better than anyone else, because you live in it.  Bodies have threshold limitations.  If you can figure out where your threshold is and get a massage when you're half way to that mark, you will never reach the "that's-it-we're-not-going-any-further" place. 

Treat massage like an oil change and get one on the frequency (once a week, month, every 2 wks, etc) that works best for you, whether you need one or not...your body won't have to work as hard to feel better.

 Wishing you a good time and healthy thoughts through out your day!

Christie Krajewski (Cry-eh-ski) :)